PLEASE read over my site before contacting me for an appointment. Everything you need to know about my sessions/services is here for your convenience and should answer any questions, concerns, or curiosities that you may have.
*Screening is a very important part of the process. Its meant to help both the provider and the patron get to know each other better. I expect open, honest, and transparent communication which will help us to have a more pleasant and enjoyable experience. Please take this opportunity to express your feelings, emotions, wants, needs, hopes, desires and fears. Let me know what your intentions are for scheduling a session with me, or if you have any expectations or agendas... and also, what you hope to achieve, accomplish, learn and gain from our time together. Let me know what led you to seek out my assistance and why you feel particularly attracted to working with me. Please know that any information you choose to share will be kept in the strictest of confidence and held in a safe container, as to allow you/us to express your/our selves freely and without any inhibitions.
Blessings, Lady Layla. (828)747-5092
*Remember to include:
*Description/pic of yourself (nothing graphic or obscene please):
*Social Media:
*Dating Profile:
*Side note: I also advertise online at:
* in the Carolinas under Massage and Tantra (pics avail)
*Sacred Eros:
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