Where does Tantra Come from ?  

Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice based in yoga and philosophy. It has been derived from many different areas of the east. Some scholars believe that Tantra began in the Indus Valley (Pakistan and northwestern India) between 3,000-5,000 years ago, when the earliest yoga texts, the Vedas, were written. Tantra did not come into common practice until the fourth century, after Patanjali's classical yoga flourished.  

What does Tantra Mean?  

Tantra is a set of spiritual practices that direct the universal energies into the practitioner, thereby leading to liberation of the soul. Meaning "to weave" in Sanskrit, the term is derived from two words: tanoti, which means "to stretch" or "to expand," and trayati, which means "liberation."  

Contrary to the popular belief in the Western world, tantra does not advocate uninhibited sex. Tantric practices generate sexual energy and purify the energetic body.  

As a life-embracing philosophy, Tantra consists of various practices, including spirituality, love, sexual union and social life, in order to achieve one's spiritual aspirations.  

The 'tools' one may use in a Tantric practice include mudras, mantras, prayers, meditation and other yogic practices that purify both the body and soul. Sexual energy is involved in the practices of some Tantrics.  

The philosophy of Tantra has influenced various faiths, such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Tantric rituals expand consciousness and liberate the practitioner from the physical level of existence.  


What is the purpose of Tantra?  

Tantric practices, including Tantra yoga, work on the subtle energies within the body to enhance spiritual growth and physical wellbeing. Through the exploration of these energies and their connection to the universe, the purpose of life and the connection to others can be understood in a new dimension.  

As quoted by Danny Argeutty of Doyouyoga.com,  

"Tantra is a word commonly thrown around in the yoga world, and let's face the facts. What do you think about when someone says, "Tantra?" Sex.  

There is nothing wrong with this association, as the Tantric worldview encompasses physical intimacy and connection, but it is also very limiting as the tradition contains much greater texture and dimension.  

Tantra is a vast tradition that represents many diverse schools and thoughts. This philosophical system began to take root in India around the seventh century, and ranges from more orthodox schools, which have structured rituals, meditations, and teacher-based initiations, to more liberal schools which have a reputation for defying social norms and using sexual practices as ritual, which is where the Tantra as sex association began.  

The points to follow are from the point-of-view of the Rajanaka Tantra lineage -- a more centric school -- which embraces many Tantric teachings and makes them applicable to daily life.  

Here are five key reasons for you to practice Tantra outside of your bedroom: Please follow this link to learn more: https://www.doyouyoga.com/creators/darguetty/  

I encourage you to do your own research on the subject of Tantra and see what comes up for you. I believe that when we set our minds on something there is no telling what the universe will guide you to. Life is an experimental journey, and it is wise to consider many schools of thought and belief systems. When we stop allowing ourselves to grow exponentially, we limit ourselves to information that may be outdated and no longer working in our modern day world. Think about the wars that have been fought in the name of religion just because we are to stubborn to CHANGE, grow, learn, and EVOLVE. Allow your mind to expand, and your heart to open to the possibilities beyond what you think you know. There is a better place for all of humanity to be and we can create it by becoming evolutionary allies together. Lets start now!!!